The Journey of Su Prim Na
The snow was on the mountain paths as the small band left the ghostly gates of the silent village. Su Prim didn't put much stock in material possessions, but he did bring the pot his mother used to cook in. He was expecting to cook quite a few new things on the way down to the town. The thought of dinner with his friends spurred him on the road, and made his stomach growl slightly. It wasn't a mighty growl like a wolf or bear, it was really more like the yawn of a sleepy house cat, but Sup felt it, and it caused him to tighten his belt.
The meager fire that first night was plenty to cook the last few roots from the village and some mushrooms along the trail. With a quiet stomach sleep came easy even in the dark and unfamiliar woods. And it was then, in the dark of night, after a day of many firsts, that the incident with the pot happened. A party of small mountain goblins came upon the band and raided their camp. Su Prim got to his feet in time to see the goblins and many of their supplies take off through the wood. Grabbing the only thing handy to defend his friends, Sup wielded the pot like a sword slashing and stabbing at his foes. With one mighty swing the pot managed to separate one of the goblin's head from its body. The head was then catapulted from the pot into the fleeing thieves. Thank goodness the soap was still in the pack when Su Prim finally found it.
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